May 30, 2007

Don's window.

My window...

Trying to stay ahead of the weather.

Dogs afraid they're going to get left behind...

Packing up...

May 29, 2007

Wendy by the fire-thanks for the fire Marcy!

Freezing & raining in CO.

May 28, 2007

Marcy in CO.

May 27, 2007

HMOP Finally out of WY...welcome to CO!

Lincoln in WY...couldn't find his way out.

Windmill farm-still in WY.

Still in WY. My feet & the iPod.


Don taking a nap.

Lil' Devil's Tower in WY. ...not really we're just bored & making up stuff.

The boys taking in the scenary.

Evanston, WY-night 2

May 26, 2007

Getting back on the road.

Don & the boys chasing snakes! ...not really

Peco sleeping


Mesquite, NV 1st night

May 25, 2007

The boys chillin'

Lots and lots of this...

Stop 4 breakfast-b4 U-haul.


Don getting ready...

Getting for the flight.