Jul 31, 2009

I don't think we're going to make it in dry.

time to head in...

Jul 18, 2009

Chicago Trip

Benee, Bobby, me and Don at the Navy pier in Chicago. Below are some pictures of us around town. We'll post more soon. We're having a blast in the Windy City!

Bobby waving in front of the bean. Do you see his reflection? Can you find Don in the bean? (Hint - he has on a white shirt, tan shorts and is holding his camera.)

The bean at Millennium Park.

Yummy...famous Chicago-dogs, with chili and cheese. (Hey - we're on vacation!)

Wendy being a pirate.

Benee's turn at playing pirate.

Chicago Trip

The four of us at Bobby's birthday dinner. Yummy - steak!

Bobby got a new "grill" for his birthday. Don't he look niiiice?!

Me and Benee kicking off the weekend at the Navy Pier.

The four of us on our Segways.

Jul 11, 2009

This is a practice shot from today. Just a little trial and error.

Jul 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July. We are back home after spending the weekend on the Intercoastal. Just some relaxing time with friends and family.

Marcy came out to visit and we spent some time walking around the Rice Quarters property and watching Benee's dogs play in the mud.

We celebrated Grace's Birthday while we were all together.

Based on the phone call we got the next day, the boots were one of her favorite gifts.

Saw this guy while cleaning around the pool.